Writing a Master's thesis with R Markdown and Bookdown

Why bookdown? LaTeX packages and commands Titlepage, acknowledgements and abstract Include LaTeX files in YAML Summary I finished my Master’s thesis very recently, and I wrote it with R Markdown, and more precisely with the bookdown package. It was really comfortable to do absolutely everything with R: data treatment, use of econometric methods, redaction with chunk of codes, and even the slides for the presentation! However, I have also spent a non-negligible part of my time trying to have a correct layout, essentially for the first pages.

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What to do when your code doesn't work?

As Jenny Bryan said, one of the first things people do when there is a problem with the code is run it a second time. But in 95% of the cases (in my small programming experience), this does not solve the problem, and I realized I developed a small pattern of reactions when I am in this situation. Read the error message This may seem obvious since this is the first thing we see when there is an error.

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My application for the Shiny Contest (2020)

One of the greatest things about R is the possibility to build websites quite easily with R Shiny. I started to create apps with Shiny almost immediately after having discovered it. This was in May last year and two months later I thought it would be a great idea to build an app to treat more easily World Bank data. Indeed, in my field, World Development Indicators (WDI) are often used and I thought it would be useful to have a graphical interface where we can import and treat these indicators.

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My favorite shortcuts in RStudio

Currently working on my master’s thesis, I spend almost half on my day on R (the other half being spent reading articles). I have learnt a few very useful shortcuts by reading blog posts or free R books here and there and I have decided to make a small list of those I use most. “Ctrl+Shift+Enter”: run the whole script This combination will run all of your script, wherever the mouse is in the script.

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First contact with the data on R

Files used and organization of the project Import data Merge dataframes Clean the data Descriptive Statistics Plots Note: In this and future articles, you will see some arrows below R code. If you click on it, it will display the Stata code equivalent to the R code displayed. However, since those are two different softwares, they are not completely equivalent and some of the Stata code may not fully correspond to the R code.

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Why you should move from Stata to R

Before going into the details about studying economics with R, it makes sense to explain why you should use R compared to Stata. Before I start, please note that I have been using Stata occasionally for about a year whereas I spend much more time on R so I may forget some features that Stata has and that I am not aware of. However, I believe that what I have made with Stata corresponds to most Master students’ experiences, e.

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Etienne Bacher

Clermont-Ferrand, France
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I'm a French student in Economics, currently finishing my Master's degree.